Sunday, August 10, 2008

Olympics 2008..................... Our Little Jim Ned Valley is internationally noticed!

Have you noticed our being NOTICED?
(click or look at the map on the right side of our blog)
Welcome friends!
As the 2008 Olympics cast a cooling shadow over the world,
Peace to all who enter...
in ANY language.
He Ping- Chinese
Paz-Spain and Portugal and some of our Bermuda friends
Salam-Saudi Arabia
Amani- Swahili
Pace- Italian
Vrede- S. African
Mir- Czech
Paix- French
Fred- Swedish
Mire- Russian
Sanaya- Sri Lanka
Anahoro- Burundi
Frieden- German
Soichain- Irish
Booto- Zaire
Wetaskiwin- Cree (native American Indian)
Su Thai Binh- Vietnamese
Irini- Greek
SHALOM- Hebrew
so many languages,
but, disregarding all that is visible to our physical eyes,
we look pretty much the same.
May we find common ground on which to stand.
Enjoy the 2008 Olympics FRIENDS of the world!!!