Monday, June 30, 2008

Cedar Gap Farm's "secret" recipe to attract birds!! even the elusive PAINTED BUNTING!!!!

We have a VERY successful birding facility here in our Jim Ned Valley!!!
Cedar Gap Farm is on the birding trails of Texas and recognized by the Audubon Society for it's location and it's ability to meet the needs of our local finely feathered friends!
Earlene has evidence of it's success in the picture below.
Yes, they have frequent sightings of the elusive Painted Bunting and his more modestly adorned green feathered female.

Take time out of your busy schedule to enjoy a moment with the Huttos at this blessed place right here in our special part of the world....

They are a bit off the beaten trail (or off Hwy 83/84 to be more exact), but highly worth the effort made to get there.

(After some not too difficult coaxing, my friend and fellow Chamber member gave me her special "secret" recipe to attract these pretty visitors to my neck of the woods..... I thought you might be interested as Earlene suggests.... ENJOY)

Suet Recipe:
Melt together 1 cup crunchy peanut butter and 1 cup lard.
Stir in 2 cups one minute oatmeal,
2 cup yellow corn meal, (corrected from 1c.. too thin!!)
1 cup flour,
1/2 cup sugar.
You can put it in a plastic contain or in whatever you want to store it. I sometimes put it in cup cake papers in cupcake pan and place in freezer, then lift out one and serve to the birds.
You can serve it in small containers, on the limb of a tree, at the edge of a feeder, etc.
The birds will get used to how you serve it and be looking for it.
Have fun!!
Cedar Gap Farm