We surely do thank our outgoing officers of 2008!
(oh yes... there were a couple of rascally squirrels causing a bit of a raucous outside the windows as we enjoyed our luncheon)
We attended to the end of the year business which included accepting our new board and officers for 2009. Thank you Dale for remaining another year in our presidential position.
You've done an exceptional job!
We will miss Amy as our treasurer, but hopefully we can get her to return after a sabbatical from at least this one of her many responsibilities in our community. GREAT JOB!!!
The surroundings were perfect and we got to see what one of our members offers this community daily in her haven for birds just East of 83/84 after the Cedar Gap Cemetery.
If you've not visited the Cedar Gap Farms, be sure to take your family out for an afternoon of bird watching. Chairs are set around the completely windowed cottage so that you can see birds of every color from any angle. I also noticed that there were binoculars available for those who forgot that important accoutrement in the birding world.
Fall/Winter is a wonderful time for our fine feathered friends. The leaves from the trees have fallen and their food supplies are not so readily available. This lends itself perfectly for the feeders and bird baths to be loaded with these thankful creatures.
You've done an exceptional job!
We will miss Amy as our treasurer, but hopefully we can get her to return after a sabbatical from at least this one of her many responsibilities in our community. GREAT JOB!!!
If you've not visited the Cedar Gap Farms, be sure to take your family out for an afternoon of bird watching. Chairs are set around the completely windowed cottage so that you can see birds of every color from any angle. I also noticed that there were binoculars available for those who forgot that important accoutrement in the birding world.
...your little tin sign says just what my heart repeats often this special time of year...
Peace On Earth...
and might I add....
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